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Training Infrastructure Feedback from Dr. Theodora Tsirka

We have received feedback about TIaaS from Dr. Theodora Tsirka, during the Training School on Microbiome Sequencing and Data Analysis, in the context of OMIC-Engine Research infrastructure.

We used TIaaS last week (8-12 Oct 2021) for the first time during a Five-day Hands-on Training School on Microbiome Sequencing and Data Analysis held at the Molecular Biology & genetics department of Democritus University of Thrace, Node of the OMIC-Engine Research infrastructure, Greece. 15 people (mostly PhD candidates) participated in the training school. Some of them had little to no knowledge of analysing microbiome sequencing data while others were more proficient.

Using the TIaaS service allowed everyone to understand the bioinformatic tools used in a metagenomic analysis, follow the steps easily and carry out their own analysis using their own samples. Unfortunately, the tools run a bit slower than expected but we used this time to explain the tools in depth.

The challenge of this training school was to satisfy the needs of all the participants, coming from various bioinformatical background, and we believe that Galaxy TIaaS helped us achieve this.