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EGI and EuroScienceGateway sign Service-Level Agreement

Elevating FAIR data analytics in EOSC: SLA between ESG and EGI; IISAS to bring in additional resources

In the Galaxy-driven EOSC project EuroScienceGateway (ESG) one of 18 partners is EGI - the European Grid Initiative - a federation of computing and storage resource providers in Europe, facilitating up a distributed infrastructure. The 29 participants from 22 countries are united by the mission to deliver advanced computing and data analytics services for research and innovation. They provide access to more than 1.2 Exabytes of research data and 1.2 Million CPU Cores for data processing. Notably, with CESNET (CZ), CNRS (FR), CYFRONET (PL), INFN (IT) and TUBITAK ULAKBIM (TR), five of these partners are partners of ESG, too.

The Service-Level Agreement (SLA) signed between EGI and ESG formalizes access to resources on INFN's Bari cloud and IISAS's FedCloud, adding a Slovakian location for data processing to usegalaxy.eu's resource network. Beyond cloud compute and storage capacities, usegalaxy.eu's virtual organization (VO) will be supported with EGI's Workload Manager and Check-in services - read this recent blog post on EGI's Check-in and WLCG IAM backends for more info. Together, these services allow to monitor the allocation of resources that are used to carry out tasks in the ESG project.

Technically, the computing resources are available through OpenStack, on which endpoints of the Pulsar network can be installed. For more details, check this recent blog post, including a demo video. In the frame of ESG, maturing and extending the public Pulsar compute network is a central aim, and developing solutions for Bring Your Own Compute (BYOC) and Storage (BYOS) is a milestone. For the project, the SLA with EGI is a basis for development, resource extension and demonstration, and thus a key factor for EuroScienceGateway's mission to provide accessible e-infrastructure resources for European scientists.

Also read EGI's own press release here.